>> 2.22.2017


Doodle and DIgital art drawing 1

>> 3.13.2014

Tengah try wat digital art untuk redesign battle Ghostbuster..tak siap lagi ni..banyak lagi nak kena perdetailkan.. ni plak doodle utk blog peribadi aku pasal XIyad. hehe...

sneak peek Habiba & Farees wedding

>> 1.21.2013

Assalamualaikum... Been a while since my last post on wedding photography..err mine could be considered as photography tough. To some, they might just craps. HAHAHA!! Anyway, here's a sneak peek on my sis's wedding pictures. To be honest, it has been too long since the last time I took a paid wedding...

Photography | Insects

>> 12.17.2012

Salaam... Alhamdulillah ada rezeki nak beli tele lens yang dah lama aku idamkan. Takde la rezeki sangat sampai leh bayar cash. Bayar installment je. Tapi rezeki tu kan macam2 jenis. Installment pun sejenis rezeki la tu. Hehehe. Jadi balik kampung hari tu sempat la snap mana yang patut nak try lense...

Zoffea & Zaffar

>> 12.03.2012

Couple weekends ago,my friends came visiting me from Bukit Jelutong. I bought them some keropok lekor and keropok kering from the infamous Bukit Tok Beng Keropok Lekor shop near my in-law's house. Their son, Zaffar really loves the keropok keping, so I even bought some for him. As I didn't have any...

Aqil Hamzah yg Debab suara besar

>> 11.23.2012

Aqil Hamzah is the son of my Memuah friends Erina & Amir. So 'semangat' and a little aloof when surrounded by strangers. He's 9 month plus. These photos were taken at Aqil's house after the Memuah picnic couple months back. He feels comfortable when he's at his own house for sure. Play...

Nur Adni Adelia

>> 11.19.2012

I spend a-week off at Kuala Terengganu last weekend at my in-law's. My sister in-laws safely delivered her first child, a princess around last month in Penang. The original plan was to visit her in Penang and had a holiday there, but since she was already went back to Kuala Terengganu, the plan changed...

Jumping Kids

>> 11.09.2012

Taken by the Seberang Takir beach around my Grandma in-law's backyard. It's always fun taking photos of action. But I always know I could jump better than them. But then, who gonna take the photo? Hehehehee...

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